My favorite word, which I made up because I am a dork like that, is ragingawesome. I'm not quite sure when I decided that this would be my catch phrase, or that I was allowed to make up words, or that I would be so goofy as to share it with others. But other than being so much fun to say, it has deeper meaning to me. I like to think that whatever you do, you should do it with rage. I know, I know rage is usually violent anger, but here I mean complete sold-out passion, not anger. God created us with passions and desires and I think He intended for us to do those things, to live our lives with serious rage. The Bible says whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might. Rage! Or as Mr. Abe Lincoln said, "Whatever you are, be a good one." I know it's nothing we've never heard before, but are we really doing this in our day-to-day lives? Are we really being our best? I know I'm not. And I'm not talking about being perfect. Anyone who knows me knows my goal is not perfection. In fact perfection gags me, infuriates me, fills me with rage. lol Anyway. I'm just saying make it your goal to live your life with passion even in the little things. Don't be so afraid of making a mistake or doing it wrong that you lose the passion, the rage.
When I was teaching, my students thought I was an idiot most of the time (a "cool" idiot though), but I even made me a t-shirt that said Ragingawesome Bears. Yeah, and I wore it on game days. It rocked! lol One of my favorite poems to teach was by Dylan Thomas, which he wrote to his dying father, begging him to not go out without a fight. It says, "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." I was reading this in front of the class one time and accidentally said "Rage, rage against the machine!" lol Anyway, this is my be ragin'. A ragin' Christian, a ragin' wife, a ragin' mom, to pursue my God-breathed passions with rage. Yeah, I like it!
4 shout outs:
Why do the heathen rage...? Psalm 2:1
no, i'm kidding...everything is created by God and everything but sin is in us for a reason--to be used for him. i love it when people take something that has a negative connotation and turn it around. those things that are considered to be negative--rage, fury, desire, fight, etc.--are so powerful and can be such an asset and have such a possitive impact when used properly. RAGE ON!
OK...? Have I turned into a total sap? Because as I read this I found myself tearing up...I know what is that? I want to live my life with passion with RAGE!(the good kind!) lol I love that you made this word up and you use it so well ...and the key chain ..yeah has more meaning than ever to me! and I like it! no I freakin love it! Like I love you!!! Well not that much, but you get the point lol ....and how did my goofy best friend get so wise? Wow Summer sometimes you make my head hurt! ....but in a good way
You my friend are RAGINGAWESOME!
Yea for comments. They make me happy! You're both foreakin' ragingawesome. And Isha I'm so glad that I made you tear up and made your head know what I mean! And since when am I your "goofy" best friend? lol Ok Ok it's true. love you
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that you inspire me so much! I hope when I'm a teacher, I'm as ragingawesome as you were!
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