Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday afternoon.

Saturday we pulled out the paints and had some fun. Thought I'd share our final products...

I call this uh.."Saturday afternoon." I know, I know
the pure creative genius of each stroke is overwhelming.

Grayson loves to paint, or uh dump out paint....

all over himself. It looks tragic, huh.
He enjoyed washing it all off with the waterhose, too.

My big girl. She calls the one on the left "Big Dipper"
and the one on the right "Pool." I love how she really
thinks about what she is painting, and explained each painting
to me as she did it.

This has nothing to do with anything, but if you are a lover of the words as I am, you will so enjoy this cool dictionary. Try it. It's fun. Yes, dictionaries can be fun!

4 shout outs:

Unknown said... dictionary...i pick 'raging awesome' to mean 'intense awe-inspiring', but i'm sure you've already looked that one up!

Jessica said...

love the dictionary :)

Wendy said...

I think playing with that dictionary might qualify as doing school, don't you think?

FYI-I love your backyard, it's so kid friendly. I need your consultation to make our yard more fun.

Grayson & Season got the Fun Version Mom-too bad for my kids, Fun Versions were out of stock when they got me :)

Tefertiller Tribe said...

Summer, I love the pics! Makes me miss your back yard. Love you.