Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Best Part of Waking Up

I am laying on the couch after a day of doctor visits and shopping
for roller skates. Grayson piles on top of me with his blankie,
covering up both of us. He grabs my face and says, "Mommy you're
tute(i.e. cute). You my fweetheart!" Yes, yes I am forever and always.

3 shout outs:

Unknown said...

where exactly are they skating at your place!? lol...or did your lumberjack chop down some trees and wittle them a little wooden floor out back? And the purple shirt? The man rule is he's only allowed one...

Summer said...

The fact that the shirt is a WRANGLER workshirt cancels out the fact that it is purple. just so ya know lol

Unknown said...

You keep telling urself Actually, my high school colors were purple and white, so I had a lot of it back in the day...along with purple Umbro shorts and stuff to wear with the white or gray school shirts...Nikes with purple on them...yeah, so it goes with purple school colors...