Thursday, February 14, 2008

Beyond Measure

I know that I've been given more than Beyond Measure. I have not experienced the tragedy that Jeremy Camp has(lost his first wife to cancer), but I do not need tragedy in order to realize these blessings for which I am unworthy. My life is full of love, no matter where I look, I am surrounded. Many times I ask why? Why is my life so lovely? A question that has no answer. I want to boast only of Him who gave His life that I might have redemption and this awesome blessings and if tragedy ensues, I KNOW on whom I stand and I KNOW
"that I’ve been,
Given more than beyond measure,
I come alive when,
I see beyond my fears
I know that I’ve been given more than earthly treasure,
I come alive when
I’ve broken down and given you control"

Hope all had a rockin' Valentines day! And that you choose to see Love all around no matter your circumstances.

A Valentines Day Nap....

1 shout outs:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.