Thursday, June 19, 2008

Vacation 2008 (and song lyrics)

I have determined not to bore my few readers with too much "kid" talk anymore (which, for the record, may be difficult). So, I won't go through the detailed version of our family vacation. So, just a random list instead. Though if you enjoy seeing pics of my peeps, there is a link in the sidebar.

* Vacation with little ones can be difficult. Staying up late, messing with their routines, going all day long. After three days of it, they are exhausted, as are we. I don't know if it was worth it, or if they will even remember it. I know there were moments that they were elated and excited about what we were doing; regardless, I just kept thinking I know I'm going to miss this. I don't want to get stuck on the negative, i.e. whining, diarrhea, money spent, time stuck in the car, repetitive phrases, McDonalds. This phase of life is taxing at times, but I already grieve it's end. Grayson's sweet little voice, his passion for all things fuel-powered, his belief that Mommy can make it better, Season's beautiful face making it's way out from underwater, her belief that I am basically perfect (though I did embarass her by dancing in the bathroom "Mo-om Stop!"). Yep, I'm gonna miss this.

* Speaking of song lyrics, they can really get ahold of your mind. For years and years. And they will show up when you least expect it. Like when your two-year-old says "Back to the Hotel," and all you can think of is a terribly sinful rap song. I checked the lyrics just now (please don't do that) and was grossed-out. I told Graham how awful it was....his response: "Well, I can't think of any other reason a gangsta' would want to go back to the hotel. Sure not to swim." Nevertheless, "back to the hotel" was a phrase we heard a lot! (for swimming purposes of course)

*Graham has decided that McDonald's and Wal-Mart are taking over the world. And Starbuck's too. Monday nite we went to our McDonald's and Season wanted a Happy Meal because she was set on getting the Kung Fu Panda prize they were advertising. So when she opened the Meal and got a Speedracer prize instead, she wasn't very Happy. She couldn't understand why they would tell you one thing and and then give you something else. Hmmm, welcome to the real world baby. I tried to explain false advertisement, and finally just said they were liars. lol oh, another song lyric to tie to this randomness....You can't always get what you want

*I have decided that Season will cease wearing swimsuits at the age of ten or younger if I so see fit. In fact, swimsuits should probably just be outlawed. What would be wrong with just a tank top and shorts? How old-fashioned am I? We got an eyeful of them at the waterpark. I threw up in my mouth a few times watching the boys watch the girls. At one time Graham asked, "Is that somebody's mom?" It made me laugh. But, yeah that is somebody's mom or daughter. Modesty should be important as Christians. Now I don't think we have to take it this far. However, our outside must be a reflection of our hearts for Him. Solutions, anyone?

*I'll conclude with this pic of my man. He insisted we pull over and get this shot. If I made a big deal every time I saw my name in print....

9 shout outs:

Unknown said...

Hotel Pools...I think I could drive a long way around into Wichita, stay at a hotel with a pool for a few nights, never leave the hotel, and drive a long way back home, call it a vacation, and my kids wouldn't know the difference...

If girls were more "mature" than boys when we were growing up, I think we are officially seeing the shift the other way by guys "out-smarting" girls by convincing them to dress that way to please us and that it makes us like them more and makes them more valuable to society and attractive as a future mother of our children. If there's one thing we (guys and girls) are prone to ignore our convictions over, it is the opposite sex...i.e., David, Samson

Wendy said...

Hmm, good points Scott. When my kids make their bed all pretty, they say I have to come look because it looks like a hotel, lol.

Summer, we don't do 2 pieces past the preschooler age and the 1 piece has to actually cover. I like the sets that come with shorts. A (real) one piece with shorts is quite modest compared to what most girls are wearing, enough so to hopefully keep the eyes off our girls. Had to laugh at those modest suits you linked to!

Jessica said...

I don't think I'd go so far as those suits! :) But trying to find a modest swimsuit for someone my age nearly drove me to never swimming again! Seriously, it's ridiculous! And I'm still not comfortable with the one I ended up with. It sounds like you had a great time on your vacation. Oh and I'm glad you liked my list, lol. :) Now if I can just not procrastinate for the next 1000 days and actually do some of them I'll be doing good!

... said...

Well, I should leave the swimsuit topic alone...but I can't.

Well, after a long drawn out comment....I erased it all and decided to just leave this topic alone.


Summer said...

D? I would love to hear your thoughts....don't be scurred. ;)

... said...

You've seen me at the pool...scurred ain't my problem...

I think that those who know me here, know that I am not a "modest" person....I have struggled with this and it just isn't for me. I haven't any issues with anyone who is a modest dresser or a skirt/dress only wearer or a head coverer...just isn't for me. I can only hope that seeing me in my swimsuit doesn't make you throw up in your mouth... ;) And I pray that the Lord knows my heart and that He forgives me if I am wrong by not dressing in any of the styles above.

BTW...those suits you linked to scare me a lot!

Wendy said...

Ahem, my lovely friend Denise...the Bible calls us to be modest, it's not up to style or taste or whatever.

Now, it's pretty easy for me to say this and to be modest b/c I don't mind covering up what I don't really like. I do have a few (ahem, well, maybe "few" is an understatement) other things I struggle with.

Did I scare you? Hope not :)

... said...

Seem I knew that I should have stayed out of this discussion Wendy! Interpretation is relevent here. What is modest? With the exception of swimwear, I condsider myself to be modest dresser most of the time. There are those that interpret that pants on a woman as me that is ridiculous, but I respect there conviction. There are those who believe if a t-shirt has anywritting or pictures on it that it is immodest because it draws the eyes away from the face...again, unless the picture or wording is vulgar, I don't interpret it that way. You (not necessarily Wendy here) may not like that I wear v-neck tees, but that is what is comfortable and I do not feel immodest. Believe me, I have a couple that have stretched out and are too much. When I think there is too much showing then I interpret that as immodest. Modesty to all of us is going to be different, but there isn't a dress code in the Bible that defines modesty...unless we were to go back to robes...all of us, men and women...another item in my things to ponder file! :)

Blessings to all!

Unknown said...

Its not about the clothes, its about whether or not the Baby's Got Book