Lately I have found it difficult to concentrate during church. My mind is constantly wandering, my eyes roaming the crowd. Not to mention my ears focusing on “Mommy, I need a pen,” or “I want gum.” My arms are full of a two-year-old who will not be still or quiet. During one recent service he yelled “Go bye bye” right when the music stopped, seeming to echo my fleshly thoughts! Today our pew is crowded with a couple of extra kids, adding to my distractibility. I gave away my last piece of gum, which led to Grayson digging in my purse for more and coming up empty-handed and mad. A few tic-tacs sufficed him for a minute, but then he remembered what he really wanted was gum. Daddy had to take him out of the service for a few minutes. We try to be kind to the nursery worker and not take him to the nursery until the pastor begins his message. Sometimes it works. Anyways, during the few minutes that my arms are free, they are too busy adjusting my shirt or “fixing” my hair to really praise Jesus. Then I catch myself looking at another woman and judging her clothing choice and think “What am I doing?” Why do I make it so difficult to get in the presence of my King? How often do we do this? I mean God is always there. We are the ones who create the barriers that exist between Him and ourselves. Sometimes it’s almost as if we see Him coming and intentionally throw up a wall. Or at least I know that’s how I feel. You know like “God I don’t want to get too close. You might ask me to do something I don’t want to do.” In the past few years I have found that, yes, He does ask me to do things I don’t necessarily want to do at first. But, after it’s done I always stand amazed at how what I didn’t want to do becomes part of who I am. God knows our hearts better than we do. But, Sunday mornings are tough, though always worth it. And just when I begin to feel sorry for myself for what I am having to endure in order to pursue the presence of God, I am reminded of what Jesus did for me, what He did to be in the presence of God. And for a minute I forget about myself and wish I could stay there forever. Is there anyone who has found it possible to maintain being in His presence? The praise team sang this song at church today. It is one of my favs. Newsboys – You Are My King (Amazing Love)
I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
I’m accepted you were condemned
And I’m alive and well your sprit is within me
Because you died and rose again
Amazing Love how can it be
That you my king would die for me
Amazing Love I know its true
Its my joy to honor you (in all I do I honor you)
This is Season's new favorite pose to strike! I think it's so funny....she even said she can pray underwater. But she said,"Mommy, I only had time to say Thank you Jesus." Easily entertained all day long by fun in a box! Score for Mommy!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Easily distracted
Posted by Summer at 1:26 PM 0 shout outs
Labels: AmazingLove, complaints, pics, schmog, songs, themom
Monday, July 23, 2007
If you read My Utmost for His Highest, read the one for Oct. 12. That’s my prayer. To walk with God in everything, not just the exceptional moments. To not give in because it is hard to fight my flesh now because eventually He will bring new vision and new purpose. You can read it here.
I also love The Message version of Romans 12:1-2, which speaks discipline to me. It’s my prayer as well for myself and you: “Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around-life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be charged from the inside out.” Wow! So go….add some discipline, do not fit in, be charged!
Posted by Summer at 3:13 PM 2 shout outs
Labels: discipline, preachin', Rage, themom
Sunday, July 15, 2007
All I need
We spent the weekend at a family reunion. Though it was enjoyable, and held at a beautiful “resort” on a lake and surrounded by mountains, it was a lot of work. But, I have come to learn that anything you do with toddlers is mostly work, even when it is fun. Amidst all the people (though honestly we spent very little time at the actual reunion), the horrible heat, dips in the pool, treks to and fro, I realized once again that I need only my kids and my man and my God to be fulfilled. Now, I want everyone else I love in my life, but as Graham told me this weekend, “ I want it to be you and me for the rest of my life.” And I feel the same…but I haven’t always felt so fulfilled by just “us.” When I didn’t, I thought it was anybody’s fault but my own. But, I was restless, unhappy, depressed, unfulfilled, not because of Graham, but because I was not pursuing God to make me happy. I was wanting Graham or my kids or whatever to make me happy. It's ironic that it all seems to come back to simply putting God first because it seems like such a simple statement. But it really is difficult to do because our nature is so self-driven. My mom always told us growing up that to whom much is given, much is expected (I think this is from the Bible, not sure and too lazy to go look it up). And the older I get the more I realize the truth of this. What it means to me is that if you know God, really know how real He is, know the track He has set before you, know the talent and gifts He has blessed you with, know the ugliness He has saved you from, and you still choose to serve Him halfheartedly, you will never, never be at peace and fulfilled. It is not possible. A guy we know who has an awesome God-given musical talent, you know the kind who can not only sing but also plays multiple instruments, is pursuing a career in the music industry and wanting to make money doing it, while leaving no room for God. I'd like to tell him it will never work that way, especially being that he was raised to seek God first. I don’t think God minds that we have passions other than Himself, after all He put them there. But, we have to pursue God first in order for our passions and anything else in our lives to be successful, while also feeling at peace with our life. I’ve always known this, was raised to know this, and I still didn’t really get it until a couple of years ago. You can serve God with a lukewarm passion, and everything else in your life will be lukewarm as well. Or you can choose to chase after God with a burning passion, and your life will overflow with peace and blessings. This doesn’t mean everything will be perfect, but that you will be able to find peace in spite of your surroundings. And that’s how I feel now. Not because my circumstances changed (though they have somewhat, but not instantly), but because my focus changed from pursuing what I want to giving my passion to God and seeing what He wanted to do with it. I mess up a lot. As soon as I begin to lose my peace, though, I know exactly why. I’ve lost my focus again…but God is so merciful. No matter what happens, if I’ve got my little family and my God, everything else will be okay. I know it sounds trite, but I also know it’s the truth.
Oh and I also realize that in typing what's in my head I may not have made sense and I've used the words peace and passion a lot, which is trite in itself. Oh well. lol
*Wanted to share a couple of of pictures that my friend Jonna took of my kids. She did a great job, and I love the pics. Season and Grayson Also I finally bought a swimsuit. Here's a picture of it. It's hot! lol Summer's hot swimsuit
Posted by Summer at 8:47 PM 2 shout outs
Labels: discipline, family, pics, preachin', schmog
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Lessons Learned
Two years ago this week we were in the hospital with our boy. Grayson was born on the 1st, also Graham's birthday, and then we had to stay three more nights because they were concerned with his breathing. So, we came home with our son on July 4th, 2005, oblivious to the changes this tiny little person could bring into our lives. I made the decision to just be mom after he was born, and that was a definite step of faith for us being that it would cut our income in half and could possibly drive me insane. But I really knew it was what God wanted me to do, whether it would be easy or not. Since then my life has been completely blessed, and I have learned so much about God. So, thought I would share a few. Because I can lol.
1. I can’t do it all. But, God can. He is strong when I am weak. God won't work until I give up. Completely. He doesn’t even want my suggestions. He will not control a situation that I am already controlling myself. And even though giving up is freeing, it doesn’t mean you stop doing. Even when you are overwhelmed , you just keep on doing your best, and God takes care of everything else. And once you get to the end of whatever obstacle is in the way at the time, you look back and think, “How did I do that?” Oh yeah, I didn’t. God did.
2.Faith really can move mountains. And the Bible says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. When I put that truth into practice in my life, it works. If something in life is not working, find scriptures on that topic. Write them down, put it where you can see it. Speak them aloud. And don’t speak the opposite. Our words are so powerful. Speak only God’s truth. You will see miracles.
3. God wants a relationship with us. I think you can maybe make it to heaven just by “believing” in him, but I truly believe He wants us to pursue a relationship with him just like we would any other person we love. I mean Graham and I can be married and live in the same house and never really get to know each other any better and still be married. But if we pursue each other, we begin to really know each other and fall even more in love. That’s how we should be with God, too. The closer we draw to Him, the closer He draws to us. If he is truly your best friend, then treat Him that way. Make an effort to know Him, and you’ll be surprised at the difference it will make in your life.
4.Sin is gradually destructive. It’s like that person who smokes “only when she drinks,” or “only when she’s stressed.” Until eventually she’s built up an immunity/addiction and smokes a pack a week then a pack every other day. That’s how sin makes it’s way into our lives. It’s a small disruption at first, seemingly harmless, until finally it has hold on your life so big that you’ve become someone unrecognizable. The devil is a sneaky snake.
5.I think God loves to give us the desires of our heart, that is if our desires are in line with His will. Just like I love to make my children smile, I think He is the same. But, if my kids are being snots then forget it. And I think God feels likewise. Of course I think we have to make an effort to “delight” in Him, and then get ready.
6.Being a Christian is not about rules and regulations. Being a Christian is about loving Christ. Legalism sucks. But when you love Him, there are certain things you do or don’t do because you love Him. Read His Word, talk to Him, and find our what those are. Don’t let someone else do it for you. Love Him so much that you want to please Him, and you will find freedom.
Have you learned anything lately? Share.