Two years ago this week we were in the hospital with our boy. Grayson was born on the 1st, also Graham's birthday, and then we had to stay three more nights because they were concerned with his breathing. So, we came home with our son on July 4th, 2005, oblivious to the changes this tiny little person could bring into our lives. I made the decision to just be mom after he was born, and that was a definite step of faith for us being that it would cut our income in half and could possibly drive me insane. But I really knew it was what God wanted me to do, whether it would be easy or not. Since then my life has been completely blessed, and I have learned so much about God. So, thought I would share a few. Because I can lol.
1. I can’t do it all. But, God can. He is strong when I am weak. God won't work until I give up. Completely. He doesn’t even want my suggestions. He will not control a situation that I am already controlling myself. And even though giving up is freeing, it doesn’t mean you stop doing. Even when you are overwhelmed , you just keep on doing your best, and God takes care of everything else. And once you get to the end of whatever obstacle is in the way at the time, you look back and think, “How did I do that?” Oh yeah, I didn’t. God did.
2.Faith really can move mountains. And the Bible says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. When I put that truth into practice in my life, it works. If something in life is not working, find scriptures on that topic. Write them down, put it where you can see it. Speak them aloud. And don’t speak the opposite. Our words are so powerful. Speak only God’s truth. You will see miracles.
3. God wants a relationship with us. I think you can maybe make it to heaven just by “believing” in him, but I truly believe He wants us to pursue a relationship with him just like we would any other person we love. I mean Graham and I can be married and live in the same house and never really get to know each other any better and still be married. But if we pursue each other, we begin to really know each other and fall even more in love. That’s how we should be with God, too. The closer we draw to Him, the closer He draws to us. If he is truly your best friend, then treat Him that way. Make an effort to know Him, and you’ll be surprised at the difference it will make in your life.
4.Sin is gradually destructive. It’s like that person who smokes “only when she drinks,” or “only when she’s stressed.” Until eventually she’s built up an immunity/addiction and smokes a pack a week then a pack every other day. That’s how sin makes it’s way into our lives. It’s a small disruption at first, seemingly harmless, until finally it has hold on your life so big that you’ve become someone unrecognizable. The devil is a sneaky snake.
5.I think God loves to give us the desires of our heart, that is if our desires are in line with His will. Just like I love to make my children smile, I think He is the same. But, if my kids are being snots then forget it. And I think God feels likewise. Of course I think we have to make an effort to “delight” in Him, and then get ready.
6.Being a Christian is not about rules and regulations. Being a Christian is about loving Christ. Legalism sucks. But when you love Him, there are certain things you do or don’t do because you love Him. Read His Word, talk to Him, and find our what those are. Don’t let someone else do it for you. Love Him so much that you want to please Him, and you will find freedom.
Have you learned anything lately? Share.
pittsburgh field club wedding
2 years ago
3 shout outs:
I love reading your blog!! It really inspires me to work on my relationship with God! Something I've personally learned over the past year is to just have faith in Him. I believe He does everything for a purpose. Sometimes it's just hard to understand that purpose, but I've learned if I just have faith and put all my trust in Him, He'll guide me. You rock!!!
sneaky snake, sneaky snake...
way to encourage your readers...keep it up...and if the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack!
I too felt very encouraged by reading your blog. Seems you have been given the "gift of encouragment".
Someone very kind loaned me the book "Blue Like Jazz" to read. I am almost finished (about time) and I love it! I think very highly of the author and the way God gifted him to write. He's so real.
What have I learned latetly...happens to be through the book... I don't like shoving Scriptures down people's throats but most probably know that all people sin. There's not been one person alive, except Jesus, that has not sinned. I think a way of making ourselves feel better about our own sin and avoiding dealing with it is to focus on the sins of others and how "bad" they are compared to ours. The word ACCEPTANCE has been invading my mind and heart lately. What does that really mean to me? To others? Most importantly - to God? The old dictionary defines it, "To take or receive what is offered, with a consenting mind; to receive with approbation or favor". This Noah Webster 1828 also says, "In theology (big word), acceptance with God implies forgiveness of sins and reception into His favor." Obviously, from this we can see God accepts us and gives us favor just the way we were, are, and will be. He already knows it all! (scary) And He knew it all before He willfully sent His Son to die for us on the cross. I don't know about you...but I sure wasn't alive that long ago...duh??? So He must of already looked into the future saw me and my entire life (choices, etc.) and wanted (accepted) me anyhow. This blows me away! I can't get my mind around it. It's most huge! But back to me, how much do I know and really accept about myself? To me, that's the deep question... If we really accept ourselves, we realize we all have wrong ways of coping with our "issues" (sin). Smoking and drinking are outward and easy to point out...but what about the ones nobody else can see but us and God...the ones on the inside? If I stop and think about myself just for a day...I've committed so many sins I wasn't even aware of that I committed. But God is aware and He FORGIVES AND ACCEPTS ME without change. He only is good! I think we have to get more honest with ourselves and realize we all are totally depraved and helpless without Christ. As we see how "yukky" we ALL really are, we will begin to accept and know the awesome, beautiful, enormous, never-changing, never-ending love of God for us. I'm not there yet...but I sure desire to get closer to "there" as quickly as possible. To me, this is THE first step to "changing". All the rest comes after this. Otherwise, why would we want to be "good" and show God we love Him if we don't REALLY accept His love for us first. To me, this is why we all have so many "yukky issues". So I will be pondering today, "What are my inside's REALLY looking like?" I think the outward ones are actually "better" in that they're easiest to identify and deal with. My two cents...Love ya, Summer! PS. I'm buying the book!
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